Friday, August 21, 2009

The Storm

Good Morning all,

Last night before I returned home from work, I kept looking up into the sky to see the little flashes of lightning above the clouds. Usually when the sky does this, we should expect some lightning for the rest of the night and maybe a light shower. This time, it felt different somehow. In a rush almost, I went home, grabbed me a drink and something to eat, and watched a movie. I was in storm mode! Then, like the big chicken that I am, I left the living room light on, in hopes that the storm wouldn't be so bad... That thought was a big Lie! This morning I woke up to an inferno outside my window! Remember earlier, I mentioned that the weather felt different somehow -- this was very different than any old, usual storm I've encountered. At about 6:20 am, Every two to three seconds I heard a BOOM, CRASH, and KAPOOOOW...! My little light in the living room flickered and shook, the windows of my little apartment went clink, clink, clink, clink... While all of this is going on, I'm in my bed tossing and turning, trying to avoid hearing the storm, but that was a NO-GO! Everything in my apartment shook, even me! I'm sitting straight up in the bed and the storm is raging, blaring, and out of control... Finally, I get to a point where I'm over the initial scare and start to dose back off to sleep. The last thing I see, before I fall asleep, is the lights on the outside go out and the little light in my living room, hanging by a thin thread mind you, is still holding on!

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