Sunday, June 24, 2012

It'll be okay, God is still God and good things will still come just as long as you continue and carry on...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day everyone! Sending bigtime love and much blessings you guy's way...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Be Grateful

The Truth About God

Who here actually knows the true power of God? He brings you where you need to be, right when you need to be there! He heals ALL our ails, and listens to all our problems with and over-stretched, non-judgemental ear, and He cares for for us more than we'll ever really know! If that's NOT enough for you then get this, He brings us down, only to rebuild us into better people, inside and out! Again, who but God, can do all this and so much more for His children! Bless the Lord in all that you do and He shall be with you through and through... Amen