Saturday, September 26, 2009

First Impressions

Hello All,

Last night, I met a person that came along with one of my sister's usual friends that stop by the house from time to time. My initial impression of him was that he was hiding something major! So, I kept watching him to see if I could figure out what the major event was that he was hiding. It turns out that after he left the house and my sister returned, she told me that he came out to her.... He's gay! That confirmed it for me. My first thought of him was that he or our older friend that comes by often was hiding something, possibly gay, possibly did something wrong, or just over-all been bad! I was leaning towards the friend being gay intially, and I was right! He told my sister that he didn't want to tell his friend because he was scared that he'd get jumped on by a group of guys. He also said that when he'd tell some of his friends, they usually act like they're alright with it, then they get around a group of guys and beat his ass! The only thing I can think of is that his secret is safe with me, if it's that damaging that it could get him hurt or killed, I would never tell! I'm sorry he had to go through something like that, and I'm more sorry that the world hasn't yet evolved into a loving and kind environment that we can live, love, and care for everyone -- gay, bi, straight, lesbian, transgender or other wise different! It's the differences that make us unique, and we should never judge anyone, because God will ultimately judge us all in the end! Until next time...

Peace and Love kids!

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