Hey yal,
Has anyone ever had a dream that was so real that when you awaken, your body is literally BUZZING all over? Well I did, and it left my world rocking and rolling all morning long! As I awakened from a dream state this particular day, I noticed that the walls in my room looked as though they were made out of rubber and as though they were stretching -- all on their own...! Whatever was in my dream, I hope I never dream it again! Even before I went to sleep, I didn't feel strange at all, nor did I feel as though things wouldn't turn out right the next day and all. AND, to be totally honest, when I awakened from the dream-state, I had no recollection of what I just seen, heard, and felt in the dream I just had... My mind was as though it was jelly, and my thoughts began to run like we were in a marathon somewhere! The next thing I knew, I was just buzzed and shaking literally, everywhere! I don't even know how, or why I felt like this, but I hope that it never happens again. In a way, I felt like I was in a jar and was just shook-up somehow, or better yet, something may have grabbed me and shook me to bits and the pieces were still shaking would be a better description! Somehow or someway, this will happen again because it's me and of course if you don't know by now, WEIRD THINGS HAPPEN TO ME CONSTANTLY! As usual, I'll wake right-up and blog all about it!
Good night all!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
A Great Night
Hello all, last night was a great night spent with my friend. We went to a movie, and went to breakfast after the movie. During that time, I felt a deep connection that I've had before, but not with her! Is it me over-reacting, and over analyzing this thing, or is it something else... ? Nevertheless, we had a great time and hopefully, we will go out again soon!
Later folks, have a great day!
Later folks, have a great day!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Hello all,
I'm happy to admit that nothing weird has happened to me today. Usually, I woulda caught a shadow or two, but nothing, yet! As yal know, I'll keep ya posted!
Good night all!
I'm happy to admit that nothing weird has happened to me today. Usually, I woulda caught a shadow or two, but nothing, yet! As yal know, I'll keep ya posted!
Good night all!
Friday, July 16, 2010
2 Years to the Day of my Dad's Funeral
2 Years ago today, my dad's funeral took place. It was one of the longest days of my life, and sad to say, all I wanted then was for the day to be over with! I remember walking into the church and getting ready to be seated, but I just can't get past anything after the tears started to flow! As I sat there, all I could do was hold my mom and cry! I felt as though I had lost the world ... How could this happen, where was I when the world stopped turning, and time stopped? This is the longest day of my life! As the emotions took ahold of me, screaming in pain is all I could think of, especially since everyone was so upbeat and happy. My daddy is gone, and with every thought, every breath I took, I wanted to explode with emotion. I remember wanting to just run from the church and scream at the top of my lungs, "I want him back, How could you do this to me, How could you take him from us, and Why does it have to be my dad?" All of this was swearling inside of my mind like echoes in a canyon, or ripples in water. What would I do next without him? How am I supposed to live and learn to love without his teaching me what I need to know about relationships, or how to be a good boyfriend, how to get-along with a spouse, or another loved-one? Damn, most of the time when he was talking, why wasn't I listening to his wisdom, his know-how, his words to change my way of thinking, or my true way of life? What was I doing, and why the Hell is this such a long-ass day! Agony... Make it stop, someone help me breathe ...! I can't think straight, talk, or even think about anything else but him! Why'd he have to go, why Lord, why?
Where Do We Go From Here
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Maybe in Another life
Hey Yal,
I'm very happy to say that I've been having a great week thus far. Nothing bad happened or really good except my 5 Lb weight-loss. Even with that, I don't really feel anything's really changed in me. I still feel connected to my family and friends as usual, and other people at work as I get to know them more! Sometimes, I don't know how to explain it, but I feel that I've met everyone that's in my life before, maybe in another life or something?! Hmmm, we'll have to wait and see! But, anywho, have a great night all and a great weekend as well!
I'm very happy to say that I've been having a great week thus far. Nothing bad happened or really good except my 5 Lb weight-loss. Even with that, I don't really feel anything's really changed in me. I still feel connected to my family and friends as usual, and other people at work as I get to know them more! Sometimes, I don't know how to explain it, but I feel that I've met everyone that's in my life before, maybe in another life or something?! Hmmm, we'll have to wait and see! But, anywho, have a great night all and a great weekend as well!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Day After My Nightmare
Yesterday, was the two-year anniversary of my dad's death. The whole day, I felt as though things were just getting on my nerves. I just couldn't get shit right, because I couldn't stop thinking about my dad! I wanted to be dead, is all I could think about when I thought of the funeral, and all the guests, and the family-hyjinx... I couldn't even believe that I came to this point of thinking that the whole world would just stop, but never did! How in the hell am I gonna get past this, and onto another day?! Well, I'm here today, a day after that dreadful day to let everyone know that life trully does move on, and that in time, we will recover and be okay!
Until next time, be good to yourself and to each-other!
Until next time, be good to yourself and to each-other!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
My Sign, What sign are you?
"The extremely careful not to let your friends talk you into putting yourself in a compromising situation today, Libra. With the kind of deceptive energy that is focused in your Solar house of enjoyment and fun, what appears to be innocent may turn out to be very much the opposite. At the same time, a romantic evening could fulfill an important fantasy for you tonight. Try to stick to quiet an out-of-the-way, or private activities because there is a possibility of confusion, embarrassment, or maybe even so much drama that what starts out good could turn out to cause all sorts of unanticipated problems."
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A Thought for Today
Hey folks,
God is love, yal! And that means that we should show and express that love as often as possible to each other. We should also show a little love to our enemies, not a lot, but just enough to push them onto somewhere else, and out of your face! Hehe... Be good to youselves and to each other... I love you all, and have a great night!
God is love, yal! And that means that we should show and express that love as often as possible to each other. We should also show a little love to our enemies, not a lot, but just enough to push them onto somewhere else, and out of your face! Hehe... Be good to youselves and to each other... I love you all, and have a great night!
Monday, July 5, 2010
A Comment left by a Viewer
If you've lost someone you loved over a disease or an illness, this lil-bit is for you...
Everyday that I wake up, I feel as though life is a little bit harder to bare, knowing that you are not here. There is a point to this whole thing we call life, and I know that it's NOT just to Die, But to trully live before we Die!
Everyday that I wake up, I feel as though life is a little bit harder to bare, knowing that you are not here. There is a point to this whole thing we call life, and I know that it's NOT just to Die, But to trully live before we Die!
Learning to Let Go
Dear Lord,
We have the potential to so much more than just men or women in this world. Let us grow and learn from each other to be better than just a name or just another face in this world! Help us to understand that what we have, doesn't define who we are, and what type of money we have, doesn't make our lives any easier than where we came from in the beginning -- we're still the same being, inside and out! Change us Lord into better men and better women, to love ourselves and grow within ourselves enough to NOT let materialistic things and matters of UN-importance change or block our paths to greatness! We deserve so much more than just a plain, pretty picture, or just being an ordinary person! Help us to know that we are special in every way, shape, and form. Be there for us, when we don't yet know how to deal with our emotions, and how to cope with what's going on around us. Lord, help us to forgive ourselves and each other as we grow and learn to trully let go, and Let God! These and many other blessings we ask in Jesus name... AMEN!
We have the potential to so much more than just men or women in this world. Let us grow and learn from each other to be better than just a name or just another face in this world! Help us to understand that what we have, doesn't define who we are, and what type of money we have, doesn't make our lives any easier than where we came from in the beginning -- we're still the same being, inside and out! Change us Lord into better men and better women, to love ourselves and grow within ourselves enough to NOT let materialistic things and matters of UN-importance change or block our paths to greatness! We deserve so much more than just a plain, pretty picture, or just being an ordinary person! Help us to know that we are special in every way, shape, and form. Be there for us, when we don't yet know how to deal with our emotions, and how to cope with what's going on around us. Lord, help us to forgive ourselves and each other as we grow and learn to trully let go, and Let God! These and many other blessings we ask in Jesus name... AMEN!
Drugs, Alcoholism, and Spirtuality
Living a life that is free from pain is a very difficult thing to do! To hold on to yourself, your family, some type of love-life, and then trying to balance out work and home-life will take a toll on the best of families. With that said, we struggle to find a balance between all of this and just living sometimes can lead to depression. With the depression, we are struggling to escape reality by using the wrong outlets such as drugs and drinking. In order for us to find the proper balance and an acceptable outlet for our depression, we have to seek out good ways to express our bottled up anger, moodiness, and overall attitude-change. A few good ways to deal and cope is to pray, and ask God to step-in, and change your life for the best; play a musical instrument, watch a movie, get a pet for more love, writing a journal for your feelings, play a sport, or take up other hobbies for enjoyment. All are acceptable and good ways to deal with and release the pressue that we feel inside! Anything that you can do in a positive way or a "thing" that doesn't involve drugs and drinking will help you and maybe someone else in the process. Many other good ways to cope can be found in the book below...
Thank you all; Each and every life we share with each-other is a life we must hold dear! Be good to yourself and to others! Lord, bless and inspire each and every person who reads this for the better, and for the good of someone else as well.
Thank you all; Each and every life we share with each-other is a life we must hold dear! Be good to yourself and to others! Lord, bless and inspire each and every person who reads this for the better, and for the good of someone else as well.
Becoming a Better Psychic
I've read that becoming a psychic is an UN-easy thing to do! Once your mind is set free and tuned-in on the spiritual world you have to focus and put your feelings aside and concentrate on the white light around oneself. How can I actually do this without some sort of consequence of sorts? I've also read that If I wanted to, I can see where exactly my dead family is on the other-side as well! AGAIN I say, I cannot see myself doing this without some sort of problem to arise after free-ing my mind. When I meditate and focus, the book says that I should meditate for 5 or more minutes in a dark room with no music or sound. I should just listen to the energy's that supposed to speak to me. I think I will try and meditate more and let my mind take me to where my dad and grandma is! To a place beyond space and time and beyond mortal sciences, to the other-side, the spiritual world! Once I cross over to the spiritual world, then I can try and find my way through to get where I want to be, If that makes any sense! And of course, I will journey there and come back to tell everything I saw, IF I MAKE IT BACK ALIVE!!!!!!! Knowing this, imagine where we can take our minds, to far away places and to other avenues of the earth that we can only dream of! With this said, I will HAVE to try it then let you all know... Good Night all! By the Way, Happy Fourth!!!!
The Hurt over Loss
Hello all,
I seem to be a little down and feeling blue. 2 Years ago in this very month, I lost my dad. I knew this was coming and dreaded this month ever since my dad's birthday past on the 28th of last month! I know that as time go by, wounds should begin to heal, but does anybody know how much time it will take? I really wonder, am I going to feel like the world is over, and that the center of my universe is gone forever or is this how hurt over loss is? Time is trully an illusion by which all things on this earth is damned, or cursed to come to its bitter end, one way or another; only to leave the left-over loved ones in hurt and pain for eternity. If there is a better way to deal with loss, I think now is a great time to tell me because I really feel as though I'm re-living a nightmare that just won't end without me, or someone else dying in the process! I'm sorry that this isn't my normal mode of tone or even the jovial-self I can be, but I'm hurting and want to share my feelings with you all in hopes that same hurt doesn't be-fall someone else. For two years, I've been trying to hold it together and not lose it on my job, and just tell everyone to JUST go to Hell and call it a day, but I know my dad would scream at me from the otherside! I'm JUST hurt, and still a little shocked that he's actually gone. I kind of still expect to see his face when I walk through the door back home! How in the hell can he be dead, and how the hell am I gonna get through this without losing a piece of my heart in the process? I guess only time can tell, and only God can help us... This is a very hard time and I want all of you to pray that we, my family and I, make it through this tough time in our lives!
Thank you all for listening and sharing with me!
With Love,
I seem to be a little down and feeling blue. 2 Years ago in this very month, I lost my dad. I knew this was coming and dreaded this month ever since my dad's birthday past on the 28th of last month! I know that as time go by, wounds should begin to heal, but does anybody know how much time it will take? I really wonder, am I going to feel like the world is over, and that the center of my universe is gone forever or is this how hurt over loss is? Time is trully an illusion by which all things on this earth is damned, or cursed to come to its bitter end, one way or another; only to leave the left-over loved ones in hurt and pain for eternity. If there is a better way to deal with loss, I think now is a great time to tell me because I really feel as though I'm re-living a nightmare that just won't end without me, or someone else dying in the process! I'm sorry that this isn't my normal mode of tone or even the jovial-self I can be, but I'm hurting and want to share my feelings with you all in hopes that same hurt doesn't be-fall someone else. For two years, I've been trying to hold it together and not lose it on my job, and just tell everyone to JUST go to Hell and call it a day, but I know my dad would scream at me from the otherside! I'm JUST hurt, and still a little shocked that he's actually gone. I kind of still expect to see his face when I walk through the door back home! How in the hell can he be dead, and how the hell am I gonna get through this without losing a piece of my heart in the process? I guess only time can tell, and only God can help us... This is a very hard time and I want all of you to pray that we, my family and I, make it through this tough time in our lives!
Thank you all for listening and sharing with me!
With Love,
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