Thursday, March 4, 2010

What Our Family on the Other Side Wants from Us

What's Acceptable and NOT Acceptable to your family on the other side...

What's Acceptable

Finding love - Finding someone to occupy your time and mind-power. Someone to share your heart with!

Being an Up-right and truthful person to yourself and to others - Meaning that your family wants you to be a good person inside and out - being truthful and honest!

Having a Family - Being a family man or woman makes you grounded, and takes your mind off your worries about them on the other side, and onto your loved ones that's living.

Having a job and actually being successful with it - they love seeing you work and try to have something, even if it's not much, it's something more than what you had!

What's NOT Acceptable

To our family on the otherside, They want us to be happy, and any of these things is a NO-NO to them and pretty much upsets them to no-end!

Being with someone Who you know is NO-good for you and your kids... If he/ she beats you and the kids, you don't need to be with them!
(Accepting Disrespect from others as though you deserve it... If someone talks to you in an unsavory way, you should not let them continue without standing up for yourself or walking away. You should let them have it, or walk away to avoid conflict!)

Not knowing your worth is another BIG NO-NO ... Don't just accept any old job, person, or anything from anybody without knowing what you trully want for yourself and your kids. Meaning, If you can't see yourself doing it for a long-ass time, DON'T DO IT, It's a waste of time and money!

Finally, Take time out for yourself to relax and unwind! If you don't take care of yourself, you'll probably end up on the otherside, sooner than later, so our loved ones on the other side want us to have a long and happy life, and NOT taking care of yourself is NOT an option!

In conclusion, we as the living should do things to honor and cherish the memories of our Loved ones on the otherside! We shouldn't do something that you/we know that they wouldn't approve of that'll turn heads, and stir-up trouble for yourself and your children. Instead of living a troubled existance, we should be the very best Us, or Good People we can be, to honor the memories of our Lost, loved ones!

Thank you all, and Good night!

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