Sunday, February 7, 2010

Seeing My Dad Again

Hey All,

The other night as I lay and slumber, I dreamed of my dad working somewhere on the other side. In the dream, Jerry was working outside on someone's drainage system outside this house somewhere! As I walked up to him while he worked, he greeted me, and I told him that I would help him fix the drain, and mold the stone portion of the drainage thing. Yal know that I don't know shit about drains and how to fix them, but while I was there, I can honestly say that I actually "Knew," without knowing fully what to do, when it came to fixing the drain. I said to my dad that I'm glad to be here helping him. We were side-by-side working, and as usual before anything really good happens, I wake up in a confused daze about seeing him again, and why now after this long time without seeing him? I'm hoping that he just wanted to talk to me, and to reassure me that he's there for me, even in death like he was when he was alive! I love him and thank GOD for his love everyday that I breathe! My dad is a great and proud man that didn't want his wife and kids to do without anything! He was the type of man to work hard at something, even in death I see, to achieve the ultimate goal of finishing what he started! He gave us his love and his all, and by GOD, I still miss and want him here, but as long as I can feel him around me, and see him from time to time in my dreams, that will have to do for now, until we meet again on the other side.

Love you guys and gals, Good night!

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