This blog was originally dedicated to people who love Supernatural, True Blood, and anything weird, but I've revised my ideas, and now its about all things supernatural: dreams, ghosts, spirits, witches, demons, vampires, and anything else that you feel is real! I know I'm not alone, so share with me and I will share some of the wildest and craziest stories that you can imagine (other-worldly of course)!
This show is the best show that I've seen since the 80's Sci-fi tv shows. I thoroughly enjoy the storyline and the characters. Our show is seriously under-rated and highly great entertainment for those who "Love" the dark side, or shall I say ghosts, goblins, witches, demons, zombies, changlings, werewolves, etc ... I'm a fan of anything that deals with vampires, witches, ghosts, demons, and werewolves. This show has all of this and more! We should publicize our show and make people see the importance of the darkside. "Without the darkness, there can be no light!" Corney ass hell but true! Anyway, I love the show and I hope that you guys do too.
The show is about a girl in a small poor ass town, Bon Temps, that falls for a vampire. As the show is purely fictional, it portrays vampires as if they were in mainstream media and in daily lives as ordinary people. Aside from the fact that they cannot come out in the daylight to function like the rest of society, the vampires in the show are like regular people that just so happen to awaken at night and commune with everyone else and the nightlife. Sookie Stackhouse, the main character, is an above average girl that has a special ability to read peoples thoughts. Sookie trys to NOT hear everyone's thoughts but she just can't help it, as she works in a busy ass bar in the middle of NOWHERE! As the story progresses, she meets Bill, the local vampire and finds that she CANNOT hear his thoughts -- what a relief! Sookie is so elated that she asks Bill to come and see her after her shift that night. BUT before they can reach that point, CONFLICT ensues as two crack headed locals come into the bar and plot to drain Bill of his blood. Sookie overhears their plot and comes to Bill's aid outside the bar in a wooded area. While Bill's rescue is at hand, Sookie has gained his favor by creating two hostile enemies who vows to get her goody- goody ass! Big mistake Sookie!!! She helps Bill to his feet and back to the bar as they then agree to meet up later. Time passes by and the bar is closed. Sookie is waiting for Bill now, and the drama begins! She is knocked to her feet and covered in blood by the two who swore to get her... Bill is nowhere to be found, yet!
Hello everyone, My name is Kenyon. I love to talk with people when they get to know me. I LOVE TO LAUGH, flirt, and also dare I say talk crazy, curse, etc! But, more importantly, I talk and think a lot about the spirtual side of things as far as the spirit world and supernatural instances that I've been through... I'd like to welcome everyone here in hopes that you (my lovable and wonderful audiences) listen and respond well to what I have to say... GOOD or BAD! Let me know if you like or dislike what I talked about and how you feel. Did you have something that happend to you like that or was it different? Because like me, we'll kick back and laugh about it now but the experience was very different at the time. I'd like to talk about these experiences because I've had so many of them that I quit counting! I hope that you guys can relate and speak candidly as me about what you've gone through.